Monday, January 21, 2008

BOOK REVIEW: The Magicians Nephew

The Magicians Nephew is a book that is the introduction to Narnia - its the first book in the chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis.

Introducing the characters:
Polly, Digory, Uncle Andrew, Auntie Letty, Mum, Helen, Cabbie, Jadis, many animals and of course Aslan.

In the beginning Uncle Andrew's magical rings take the children to the Woods between the Worlds, a gateway to the other lands. They jump into a second pool and go to a horrible place with lots of people sitting on thrones, and eventually they go to Narnia using the magical rings... but by accident they take with them Jadis the evil queen.

In Narnia, Aslan tells Digory to go and get the magic Apple with Polly and Fledge. Digory hopes this will heal his sick mother...

The next book in the series is the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, but I have already read that one.

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